Why A Kayaking Website?
I have created Yackman.com as a way to share my passion for sea kayaking and wilderness, and to tell you about some of the places I have visited. I came to sea kayaking fairly late in life, after early years as a power boater and twenty years as a Great Lakes sailor.
In 1994, my wife Lisa and I were looking for a different kind of vacation experience, when I stumbled on an advertisement for a three day, wilderness kayaking trip off the coast of Maine near Bar Harbor. Neither one of us had been in a kayak before but we gave it a try and loved it. We’ve been kayaking now for another twenty years. I don’t plan to stop until I’m no longer able to paddle!
Paddling in a New Location
Originally from the beautiful, but cold and snowy, upstate New York, we have relocated to the sunny Treasure Coast of Florida. If you are a Snowbird, look here for information on paddling in Florida as you prepare for your winter visit. “Homesteaders” - full time Florida Residents, may find useful information here as well. And everyone will find great adventure stories.
Indian River Lagoon Spoil Island
Sebastian River Launch
Many of you have taken interesting day and multi-day paddling trips. You may have had interesting or even harrowing experiences while paddling (or on some other outdoor adventure). What you have seen and done may be of interest to other paddlers. It may help them avoid problems or inspire them to try something new. Please share your trip report here by using the comment section below. With your permission, Yackman.com will publish your story and any photos you might want to send.
Find older Guest Reports at YackmanArchive.com
Guest Reports

Lake Abannake, Adirondack Mountains, 2008
Indian River Lagoon Spoil Island
• Lake George, Columbus Day Weekend 2011
• Escape to Paradise on Mount Rainier
• Paddling the Beautiful Hudson in Winter: No Place for Wimps!
• Hudson River Ramble 2010: Mo's Report
• Hudson River Ramble 2010: Bruce's Report
• Paddling in Hokianga Harbour, New Zealand
• Happy Camper’s Camp Gadget Gift Guide
• Under Attack on the Russian River!
• Mountainman on Mt. Elbert, Colorado
• It’s Not Sea Kayaking, But a Hell of an Adventure Just the Same!
• Paddling in the Bay Islands of New Zealand
• The Return to Million Dollar Beach
• Three Perfect Days on the Hudson River
• GHRP Photos Taken from On High!
• Good and Bad Days on Lake Champlain
• Trip Report: Hutchinson River, Saturday January 12, 2008
• The Great Hudson River Paddle:Day 1
Archived Guest Reports
Guest Trip Reports from YackmanArchive.com
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