Lisa and I had never experienced a hurricane before. As Matthew approached it was predicted to pass off shore. On it’s projected track we would be hit with 100 mph winds. If the track moved west, the winds could be higher. One hundred mile per hour winds was all I cared to be at home for. Residents of the barrier island five miles away were under an evacuation order, so as the storm neared, we kept asking ourselves, “Should we stay or should we go.”
We had been preparing for a hurricane for years, but till now preparations had been a mostly academic exercise. Now, all the things we had planned might be tested. I cleared out and put away the loose items from the yard and lanai; I tied down the tool sheds; I removed the hammock; I tested the generator to be sure it would run; I folded up my trailer so I could get both cars in the garage; I checked on the emergency food and water; I put the roof tarps where they would be accessible; I placed plastic sheets near every large piece of furniture that could be hurt by a leaking roof; Lisa created a “safe room” in a closet; and finally, I buttoned up the outside of the house with our hurricane shutters. I knew we had a strong house. I hoped we were ready.
Matthew wobbled and drifted a few miles east, further off shore lowering the maximum winds to around 80 mph. This was a lucky break. A wobble to the west would have raised the wind here to 120 mph. Time to leave!
Six weeks later I paddled in the Indian River Lagoon along the spoil islands IR1 to IR6 to see what damage Matthew had Inflicted there. There had been a sizable storm surge as the hurricane passed which did a lot of damage on the Atlantic side of the barrier islands. I wanted to see just what was done to the lagoon islands.
In addition to boats driven ashore or sunk by the storm, the spoil islands themselves fell victim to Matthew’s fury. As you will see, the destruction of the spoil islands continues.
See more videos on the abandoned boats and the destruction of the spoil islands on my Tube Channel.