On my second day on Cayo Costa, a group of us decided to go over to Cabbage Key where there is a restaurant said to be the inspiration for Jimmy Buffett’s song,”Cheeseburger in Paradise”. Buffett did work at the restaurant many years ago, but the claim is controversial. As it turned out, the day was very windy. We knew if we paddled we’d arrive very wet, so we decided to take the local water taxi to the key instead. The restaurant is very picturesque on the outside and funky inside, with the walls completely covered by signed dollar bills, a Cabbage Key tradition. The restaurant clears the walls periodically, donating the vandalized cash to charity, making room for others to add their contributions. This video is a quick reminiscence of our trip to Cabbage Key for that cheeseburger in paradise. (I hope Jimmy doesn’t mind me using his song.)