I work best from a list. A list saves me from running around in circles as I try to remember all of the details that go into planning a long trip. Starting with simple handwritten lists, I eventually developed typed lists that help me remember what I need to take and wether it has been packed or not.
This is the first page of a five page checklist I developed to help me prepare for last summer's Saguenay Fjord trip (click here to read that trip report). There are five pages in all with these headings: (1) Tent & Sleeping Gear, (2) Cooking Gear, (3) Hydration Gear, (4) Safety Gear, (5) Navigation Gear, (6) Cameras, Etc., (7) Clothing, and (8) Personal Gear. The full list can be seen by clicking here: Yackman's Trip Gear List

There is nothing about food in this list. That is another whole category that can vary greatly depending on whether cooking is shared or done solo, if you will eat real food or freeze dried, etc. One of our friends packed pudding cups and blocks of cheese as his food for a seven day trip. To survive, he found himself looking for the scraps that the rest of us were willing to share. You need to plan better than that!
Hello Don
Thanks for the Trip Gear Planning Checklist. This is a great resource. If planning for food, I have found that hard boiled eggs will last for at least five days with no refrigeration and peanuts out of the shell will last a long time if kept dry. This is good for when you set up your tent just before the rain pours down. There is no need to set up your stove and cook in the rain.
Thanks for the list.
Leon Barnish
PS. I also enjoyed your article on the Florida Keys.