Just some of the books reviewed on this site.

Welcome to the adventure book review feature. Scroll over the link in the menu bar to find reviews of non-fiction adventure books, my favorite relaxation reading. Some of these books will be about paddling, some will have a historical bent, but most will be great yarns of hardship and survival in the outdoors that just happen to be true. I invite your comments, especially if you have read the book yourself. Click on “Comments” at the bottom of the review page to agree, disagree or add to the review. r simply send your remarks to Don.Yackel@yackman.com. It’s easy to do!

If you have read a non-fiction adventure book that you want to write a review on, look for the Submit Your own Review using the format accessed through the in the sidebar at the left. Click on the title to access the Book Review Format. Follow the directions there to submit your review.
Write your Own Review or Comment on one of Mine: Do you have a non-fiction adventure book review you want to submit? Do you have comments to add to a book already reviewed here? Click Here to access the BOOK REVIEW FORMAT when writing your review, or send comments to Don.Yackel@yackman.com.