For many years I used a deck mounted waterproof video camera to take videos for this website. I used an Oregon Scientific waterproof camera designed to be used on the handlebars of bikes or worn on a helmet while the wearer indulged in some death defying activity.

There was no commercially made deck mount for the camera, so I made one that worked well for many years. But, technology marches on. My new computer, video software and website design material all expect HD quality video. The old Oregon Scientific has a fairly low resolution and is not HD. So, I have replaced it with a Contour ROAM camera.
The ROAM comes with a variety of mounts for placement on boats, kayaks, sailboards and SUP's. It is definitely HD, has a higher resolution and sports a 170 degree field of view. I tried two different mounts with this camera. The first was a suction mount. But the slight curve in the deck kept it from forming a tight, lasting grip. I am currently using a stick on mount that has a flexible foot that conforms to the deck. We'll see how long that holds. Needless to say, I have a tether clipped to the camera!
The only drawback to this camera so far is it's internal, non-replaceable battery. The battery is reported to shoot 2.5 to 3.0 hours of video before it needs a recharge. This is more than enough for a two or three day trip. But I often take longer trips and frequently there is no access to electricity.
New Deck Cam and GPS Mount
