Plastic Bricks?

Because of the pandemic and some health issues, I haven’t been able to paddle for a while.  As a result, I’ve had no trip reports to make.  So I've started to include some other items that you might find interesting.  This story is about a young Kenyan woman named Nzambi Matee who was named Young Champion of the Earth for Africa in 2020.  She developed a process that turns recycled plastic into bricks, which are currently being used as pavers.  She hopes to further develop the process to create blocks for the construction of buildings. I don’t know whether such materials would ever meet our building code standards, but I find the process interesting and innovative, and it creates inexpensive construction materials for third world countries like Kenya.  Finding a positive use for all of our plastic refuse could go a long way in the fight to conserve our planet.

Plastic Bricks in Kenya - Nzambi Matee

 © Don Yackel 2020