Rod MacDonald

I grew up on old country, bluegrass and folk music.  I loved the Kingston Trio, the Weavers, the Limeliters, Pete Seeger, Dave VonRonk, Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Arlo Guthrie and more.  Rod MacDonald falls into the fine tradition of Folk artists who write and perform songs about the things in their world.  I have had the privilege of hearing Rod preform on three occasions (twice on Paddle Florida Trips).  I really enjoy his music and his fine voice.  I have embedded three Youtube videos of Rod singing some of his music for you to sample.


About Rod MacDonald

A tenor with a clear voice and wide range, MacDonald is often cited for both his musicality and the content of his songs about political and social events: “Rod MacDonald is a brilliant folk singer and composer. His melodic songs possess words that go straight into your heart and soul.” The Press Of Atlantic City....“A poet with a lot on his mind who has never allowed himself to make points at the expense of making music.” Boston Globe....“True to the folk tradition, MacDonald is not afraid to get political, take chances, and perhaps shock some people....MacDonald's place in the folk hall of fame is assured by his 'A Sailor's Prayer,' a hymn-styled tune that many people have mistaken for a traditional song.” All-Music Guide.[2] Although usually labeled a folk singer, his musical styles include rock, pop, country, light jazz, and blues. In addition to his work in Greenwich Village, he has written extensively of experiences on US Indian reservations and in Europe, living in Italy from 1989 to 1992. His 1985 recording "White Buffalo" is dedicated to Lakota Sioux ceremonial chief and healer Frank Fools Crow, whom he visited in 1981 and 1985, and who appears with MacDonald in the cover photograph.

Rod MacDonald, Wikipedia  


 © Don Yackel 2020