Resetting Our Biological Clocks


I have posted the article below from the National Wildlife Magazine’s June/July 2015 issue, because I find it to be so true in my own experience.  You may find this also.  After about three days of wilderness camping I find that I fall into a natural rhythm that pretty much aligns with sunrise and sunset.  I find it both relaxing and natural to fall into this pattern when I am away from the modern distractions of electric lights, TV, computers, cell phones and all the things that go with them.  It’s one of the reasons I still crawl into little tents and sleep on the ground at my age.  It puts me back in touch with things elemental that I don’t get from our modern, civilized world.

From National Wildlife, June/July 2015, a publication of the National Wildlife Federation

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 © Don Yackel 2020